
Way of the beach, we have to go through La Roda, where we usually make a stop. Well, there are the tempters Miguelitos with their good looks, looking for a greedy soul that wants to take them home and not leave a single one. They are delicious. I really wanted to make them at home and, taking advantage of the delicious custard that makes some tickets I taught you, I decided to prepare them.
I will not say which ones are better ... better not to go into topic of comparisons hahaha, but these are delicious, crispy Mmmmmmmmmmm Exquisite. Judge yourselves their good looks.
It's an easy and quick dessert to make, which is definitely worth it enjoy.
- 1 sheet of puff pastry
- pastry cream (the recipe HERE)
- icing sugar

For my preparations with puff pastry I usually use the one of the brand that they sell in the Lidl , because it's the one I like best for quality and price.
We preheat the oven to 200º with heat up and down.
We spread the puff on the same paper in which it comes wrapped. With a sharp knife, cut the puff pastry into rectangles ; 15 rectangles have come out to me.
We separated them a little and put them on the oven tray.
Until the oven reaches the temperature it is important that the puff pastry stays in the fridge , especially in summer.
We bake at 200º, in the central area of the oven, for 15 minutes.
We let cool on a rack b> And once cold, we open them in half with a serrated knife.
Fill with the pastry cream already cold or warm
Sprinkle with abundant sugar glass.
We keep in the refrigerator until the time of consumption, as the cream carries an egg.